Rancho el Charro Horseback Riding in Puerto Vallarta

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Diamante the Sneezing Quarter Horse

Once upon a time, in the sunny city of Puerto Vallarta, there lived a magnificent American Quarter Horse named Diamante. Diamante was a beautiful horse with a shiny black coat and a proud stance. He loved to trot along the beach and feel the sand beneath his hooves.

However, there was one thing that Diamante did that made all the other horses laugh. Every time he went to the bathroom, he would sneeze like clockwork. It didn't matter where he was or who was watching, the moment he finished his business, he would sneeze.

Diamante didn't know why he sneezed, but he didn't mind. He thought it was just his way of adding some drama to the moment. The other horses would look at him and giggle, but Diamante just tossed his head and pranced away.

The Great Sneeze-Off

One day, the horses of Puerto Vallarta decided to have a competition to see who could sneeze the loudest. All the horses gathered together, neighing and pawing at the ground. Diamante was a bit hesitant at first, but when he saw how much fun the other horses were having, he decided to join in.

The competition was fierce. Horse after horse let out a loud, thunderous sneeze. But when it was Diamante's turn, he closed his eyes and let out a sneeze that shook the ground. All the other horses stopped and stared in amazement.

From that day on, Diamante was known as the Sneezing Champion of Puerto Vallarta. The other horses would come up to him and ask for tips on how to sneeze as loud as he did. Diamante would just shrug his shoulders and say, "It's a gift."

The End of an Era

As Diamante grew up, his sneezes became fewer and farther between. The other horses didn't seem to mind, but Diamante knew that he was losing his mind. He didn't want to disappoint his sneeze-adoring fans, but he couldn't help it.

One day, Diamante went to the beach for a quiet walk. He felt the sand between his hooves and looked out at the ocean. Suddenly, he felt a sneeze coming on. He tried to hold it in, but it was too powerful. He sneezed, and it was the loudest sneeze he had ever done.

All the horses in Puerto Vallarta heard the sneeze and came running. When they saw that it was Diamante, they cheered and applauded.

The Legend of Diamante

Whenever the horses of Puerto Vallarta gathered together, they all remark on the prowess of the great Sneezing Champion. They laugh and neigh, and are star-struck by the sound of Diamante's thunderous sneeze.

And every now and then, a young horse would sneeze after going to the bathroom. The older horses would smile knowingly and say, "That's the spirit of Diamante."